Oops 403 Error

AWS Springboard Portal is no longer available

Following updates to security policies in Europe all AWS environments are audited for compliance and security.

A recent audit of the AWS Springboard Environment found that it has failed to meet multiple criteria and as a result, it was decided to decommission the AWS Portal and revoke all access.

As a follow up activity, individual AWS Accounts vended via AWS Springboard will now be reviewed.

Any account not meeting security and compliance best practice standards will be targeted for further action.
- Accounts Inactivity: Accounts not accessed for more than 30 days
- Account Cost Recovery: Accounts with no valid OneERP Internal Order / Network Activity / Purchase Order
- Access Management(IAM): Poorly configured AWS IAM Credentials
- Root Admin Credentials: Accounts with personal email addresses and passwords

Any account failing at least one of the above criteria will be marked for suspension.
Owners of these accounts will be contacted to resolve the failed criteria.

Once the corrective measures have been resolved, the account will be placed onto the list for approved accounts for migration onto a more secure environment.

Account owners will be contacted in due course to provide more information and a plan to implement the necessary changes.
If the account is no longer required or still doesn't meet the acceptance criteria, it will be closed.